
Hi!! Got dogs?? Then you have doo! Doo-B-Gone is an Omaha, Nebraska pooper scooper business that "manages" the dirty side of owning a dog, in the greater metro areas of Omaha and Lincoln, that nobody likes or wants to deal with. Doo-B-Gone Pet Waste Removal scoops the poo in eastern Nebraska and Western Iowa. Omaha and Lincoln area dog owners choose Doo-B-Gone to scoop their dog poop! To get a better idea of our service areas, which includes service for the greater metro areas of Omaha and Lincoln Nebraska, just click here!
At a time when the high price of gas is forcing you to make hard choices and give up on some of the luxuries in life, Doo-B-Gone, here in Omaha, Nebraska, can make it really easy for you to maintain that one luxury that nobody in the house wants to do. We here at Doo-B-Gone understand all too well, and that is why our prices have remained constant and will remain constant while our political leaders find a way out of this mess. I want to offer you the best pooper scooper clean up service in the entire Omaha and Lincoln areas. I want to offer Doo-B-Gone's services to you at prices that will make it easy for you to give us a try. Even if you have another service, do not be afraid to try us; you will not be disappointed!
We here at Doo-B-Gone know there are a lot of services to choose from here in the Omaha and Lincoln, Nebraska metro areas, so we strive to be the best. We are here to serve your pooper scooper needs and will make every effort to accomodate your needs. Whether it is a request for a particular day of service or something completely out of the blue, Doo-B-Gone Omaha will make sure you are satisfied year round. Our customers from Bellevue to Papillion, from Elkhorn to Council Bluffs, from Bennington to Springfield, and the whole city of Lincoln, Nebraska know they can count on us to handle their doo!

Dog poop is ugly, messy, smelly and a real drag if you step in it, and allowing your dog to drag their Poopy Paws in the house isn't even an option. That is why you need Omaha's number #1 pooper scooper, Doo-B-Gone Pet Waste Removal, to scoop away the doo. Our No Contract, superior service means that WE Make The Doo-B-Gone and you can count on having Omaha's finest pooper scoopers at the most affordable pricing. When thinking of your pet, put it like this, MPN or "My Pet's Needs" should be handled by Doo-B-Gone Pet Waste Removal because we are Omaha and Lincoln Nebraska's pooper scoopers!
Dog poop messes up the mower blades. It attracts flies and rodents. Nobody likes picking it up. Speaking of "picking it up," most people hire us because they REALLY don't want to scoop the poop themselves. It's a simple matter of convenience. Our services cost less to pay for than if you were actually to spend the time doing it yourself. We are a time saving, convenient way to keep your yard clean. You will love us!!
Not only is keeping up on the cleaning of your dog's waste the law, it also makes an important contribution towards personal and environmental health. Dog waste can carry parasites and bacteria that can be transmitted to people and other animals. That is why it is very important to have a clean yard so your dog/s don't have poopy paws. (We just say NO to poopy paws!!) If your dog gets poopy paws while outside and comes inside, it will create a big poopy mess in the house. Additionally, some of the infectious parasites will live for years in the soil where dog waste has been left to disintegrate, making children and adults who have contact with dirt especially vulnerable. That is why you need Doo-B-Gone Pet Waste Removal!
Groundwater runoff that contains dissolved dog poop pollutes municipal water systems and waterways, often with Giardia and E. coli. Do your part for a greener community and healthier environment. If you don't, or don't want to pick up your dog's waste regularly, contact us today and find out about our waste removal service options. Remember, when your dog's done pooping, Doo-B-Gone starts scooping!
If you have a Facebook account, I would appreciate if you could become a fan of my new page, Doo-B-Gone Omaha on Facebook. It is brand new and I would really like your support in the early stages of my Facebook presence. This fan page will allow me to communicate a little quicker and easier with you as well as provide you general information, information about discounts and allow you to provide feedback. The easist way to get there would be to follow the Facebook link on the right side of the page. I want to thank you for your consideration!